
Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

This practical commentary on Revelation is conversant with contemporary scholarship, draws on ancient backgrounds, and attends to the theological nature of the text. Sigve Tonstad, an expert in the early Jewish context of the New Testament, offers a nonretributive reading of Revelation and addresses the issue of divine violence. Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian...

2016). It is essential to pay attention to the character designated as the Ancient Serpent (12:9; 20:2). 3. The plot of Revelation projects the theme of imitation more than the notion of parody (Minear 1953; 1968, 119). “At the end Satan’s attack must be launched from a beachhead within the Church, where the earth-beast not only carries on priestly activities but displays the credentials of a prophet” (Minear 1968, 119; cf. Beale 1999, 708). 4. Revelation is truly prophetic and not only descriptive
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